Tuesday, June 25, 2013


FRIENDS.....what would we do without them????? I know God has truly blessed
me with the best friends anyone could ever have. You know who you are!  Thank you for
always being there for me. While together with laughter, or needing  just a big hug
when I'm at my lowest.

May God guide your paths with  faith, love,
and happiness.           

So my friends, because you know, " laughter is the best medicine",  I will close with two of the
 " Best Friends"  of all times.

lucy and ethel photo: ETHEL AND LUCY Lucy-9.jpg


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Daddy's Day

Father, Dad, Pop, Pa.....naw (as we say in the south) I just call
him "Daddy". When I think of the word Father, I think of our "Heavenly Father" And "Dad", nope, doesn't fit his personality. lol...

I was very blessed growing up in a home having a daddy to look up
to. I was taught by a man that not only loved his family, but also
God, which he continues to do and is an Elder in our
country church in which we grew up.

Just a simple day going to his favorite fishin' hole, or whatever
the season to hunt, with gun or bow, always awaiting to go.   


flowersizzysusie 002

Thanks for always being there for me, literally holding me up through the sadness of loss, when I know it was hard for you to stand on your own. The Lord was holding us both during those times.

Although at times, we didn't always agree,(still don't)lol.. but I knew not to talk back, cause over your knee I would be!

Happy Daddy's Day to you! May you be blessed with God's loving care.


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Simple Life


The simple things in life aren't hard to find. You don't even have to go looking for them.
They just happen.....

May you have a blessed "simple" kind of day.