Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Wishes And Blessings

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:
   for he shall save his people from their sins."
   Matthew 1:21

To all my friends and family.......Christmas Wishes and Blessings. May you find
peace and joy, as we celebrate this glorious day, in which Christ, our Savior, was 
born. To our loved ones, that have gone on before, forever in our hearts, but with
Jesus evermore. 

                                                                 Merry Christmas!


Monday, December 23, 2013

Thirty-fifth Wedding Anniversary

Today, this December 23, 2013, would have marked our thirty-fifth Wedding Anniversary.
It breaks my heart, knowing you are not here, so we could celebrate. My celebration to
you, would be.....asking my best friend, husband, and the love of my life, to marry me
again. We would be dressed in white, barefoot, on a beach, at sunset. It brings a smile to
my face, as I'm writing this, and dreaming of the love we shared. You were the most
kindest, sweetest, (I could go on and on) husband, anybody would be blessed with. But,
you were mine! The love I had for you then, and the love I have for now, continues, as
it always will. I know, you are sending your love to me from Heaven, as you always do. I know,
even though I don't feel your presence, you and the Lord are with me at all times. I miss
you....there are no words to describe the feeling.
The Lord brought us together thirty-five years ago, and I know he will again.



                                                          Happy Anniversary, Tony   

Saturday, December 21, 2013

First Day Of Winter.....Really?

On this first day of winter, you would have thought you were waking up to Spring this morning with the mild temps. Went Christmas shopping in short sleeves! As the day progressed, so did the temps, 75. As nightfall came,
Winter, decided to literally come in with a bang. Thunder and lightning, wind gusts up to 40-50 mph. I went to my "safe place" to ride out the storm. As tornado sirens wailed, power lines came down, leaving over 12,000
homes and businesses without electricity in Nashville and surrounding counties. Torrential rain causing flooding in some areas.

Forecast for the first part of the week......temps plummeting, with a chance
of snow flurries on Monday.

Welcome to Tennessee!


Sunday, December 15, 2013

It Wouldn't Be A Christmas Parade Without......

Every year, come December, this round, white-bearded, ole man,
dressed in a red and white suit, makes his appearance at the end
of the Christmas Parade. Riding atop, to make sure he's seen.




 With a HO, HO, HO, and shouting "Merry Christmas", with his elves by his side,
 helping him throw candy to the much anxiously awaiting kids as he goes by.
 Young and old wave cheerfully to him, hoping to catch that magical twinkle in his eye.
 Merry Christmas, with much love, Santa.
  Oh, by the way.......
 Rudolph is looking for you!
 Or, should I ask, are you looking for him? 





Thursday, December 12, 2013

In The Midst Of The Holidays

The holidays are here, and we all have different ways of facing them. For some of us,
all is happy and bright. Which is the way it should be, with joy all around, friends and
family coming together. While on the other hand, we see people who are struggling.
It may be financially, sickness, or grieving over the loss of a loved ones. My thoughts, and
prayers be with you, during this time, and the days that follow.
I, like some of you, have came face to face with them all. I can't say, I know what you're going through, because, I don't. We all deal with situations differently. 
All we can do is, ask God to be with us during this time, to lift all anxieties, and depression,
try to think positive, and know there is a higher power above any trials we may face.
May God bless, and Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Kindness Follows

While shopping on Sunday, I went to get a price check at the register, unsure of which
particular item they were referring to in the ad, due to various ones. A man was checking out
in front of me. He told the clerk he had went off and left his travel bag with all his personal
items and had to start from scratch. 
The clerk ask him for his discount card to scan and he replied with, "I don't have one." She ask
him if  he would like to sign up for one, but he kindly said no, and I could tell he was in a
hurry. I told him that he could use mine to save on his purchase. He agreed, said thank you, so the clerk scanned my card. With the completion of his purchase, again, thanked us both,
as he grabbed his bags, and hurried out the door. Another receipt continued to print. It was $3.00 coupon off any purchase in the store. The clerk smiled and handed it to me.
Little did the man know, he was helping me out as well.

It's the simple acts of kindness......