Sunday, December 15, 2013

It Wouldn't Be A Christmas Parade Without......

Every year, come December, this round, white-bearded, ole man,
dressed in a red and white suit, makes his appearance at the end
of the Christmas Parade. Riding atop, to make sure he's seen.




 With a HO, HO, HO, and shouting "Merry Christmas", with his elves by his side,
 helping him throw candy to the much anxiously awaiting kids as he goes by.
 Young and old wave cheerfully to him, hoping to catch that magical twinkle in his eye.
 Merry Christmas, with much love, Santa.
  Oh, by the way.......
 Rudolph is looking for you!
 Or, should I ask, are you looking for him? 





1 comment:

  1. No finer man has graced that bright red suit :)
    Merry Christmas to you my friend.


Y'all come back now, ya here?